clarissa, month 10, part I

Quick, call 911...*

...we have a lady with an overturned vehicle on the Kitchen Island Expressway.

"My baby, my baby!"

FREEZE! You're under arrest for driving without a license.
(*These photos were not staged; Clarissa was responsible
for the actual destruction of the kitchen that you see here)

"Okay guys -- you're not going to believe this...

...I was totally in this, like, accident, and I was driving and I'm, like, only 9 months old -- omigosh... and they totally didn't even give me a ticket... can you believe that?"

"If only these things came with instruction manuals... life is so complicated."

"Mommy, do you know where the manual is?"

Playing with intense focus.

"Let me tell you a theacret."

Looking like a big girl "in on" the action.

"Oh Daddy, I'm too old for your silly jokes."

"Bye, bye."