Abby clinging to Neal for dear life...don't let her fool you though. She was jumping in like a wild woman! The adults had a good game of volleyball going, before the kids woke up. :) For dinner we had yummy wedding catering leftovers!

Sophie in the baby pool on the deck, looking like she has a serious question about the chlorine content.

Clarissa with mommy after just getting dunked for the first time. She didn't seem to mind, just a little sputtering. Mommy tells her not to be a swimmer (like on a swim team), because meets are so boring and hot! But we definitely want her to know how to swim.

Elisa with Sophie, who was just a baby when they left and is now walking!

Abby is getting so big! She is a beautiful little girl, and is getting very good at coloring!

Bekah with her daughter and her good friend Elisa...Because Elisa's knee needed surgery, they are here for 6 more weeks! It was good to get that fixed,
but it is hard for them to be away from their new home for such a long time. Pray for patience and peace for them during this time, and also for Elisa's knee to heal!

Our families together:
Clarissa, Bekah, Robert, Neal, Abby, Elisa and Sophie!