After a rocky beginning on the drive from the airport (Clare cried every time she looked at Tina), they hey hit it off at lunch with my mom that afternoon. Clarissa is showing off her little fish she likes to chew on. It's a close call--who has the better tan?

Tina had to slow down from Chicago pace to Nerk-style living. So that meant going to farmer's markets, going for walks around the neighborhood, and spending a lot of time in the kitchen. After all, Tina has seen more of the sights in Ohio than Bekah has! But we did keep pretty busy, at least by Clarissa's standards. The best was brushing up on our dance skills! (At least watching old recitals)

Here are some of the fruits of our labor: blueberry coffeecake, chocolate chip oatmeal cookies, and a turkey (For us for later, since T doesn't eat it)!! It was a cooking frenzy!

Although she tried to be tactful, Tina really didn't like Bekah's cooking...hahaha. But when she left she vowed to make more homemade meals and eat out less! (How's that going, T?? Or maybe I should ask Mark that question?)

Besides visiting Ye Olde Mill for some Velvet ice cream, dining at an Indian restaurant and going shopping at Easton, we made a trip to Heath pool. It is huge, for a community pool! Slides and everything. But Clare did not try those out yet--we stuck to the baby pools, although Tina wouldn't really get in because of the obvious yellow color...just kidding. She did watch Clarissa while I went down a slide. Fun times!! We're so glad you came to visit, Tina! Clare misses her new friend! (And Bekah misses her old friend.)